Typical Sunday morning sipping my coffee. I've actually begun to prefer Folger's over the good stuff. It may be bland, but at least it doesn't feel like it's tearing out my insides like that Starbucks garbage.
So I saw The Descent last night. What a piece of garbage movie. And this is supposed to be one of the better horror films. I thought it was decent in terms of its entertainment value.
Well - while I was in the middle of writing that last sentence my friend called and told me something I didn't know about the ending of the movie. Apparently there was a twist that I didn't catch. Oh well - so it was better than I thought it was. :(
My stupid dog is chewing on an extension cord. I swear to g-d this beast is going to be the end of me. He is so fucken annoying some times. What stupid beast does something when you yell at the top of your lungs "ALEX NO! NO ALEX! ALEX NO!". Now he's chewing on my wall. When will this end? Good lord these beasts can be major pains in the asses.
Don't worry. I won't put him down. Yet. (joke! Or is it).
He's a Shiba Inu. They're extremely independent dogs, but at the same time real assholes. And anyone who says a dog can't be an asshole - well, go get a Shiba Inu. They can be real assholes. I would say 65-70% of the time he's a great beast. The other 30% of the time I 'd slam him if I wasn't such a left-leaning liberal.
Good lord I sound angry. Which brings me back to the recurring theme in my life - I need to get laid.
Anyways - I'm going to try to do more than just lay around my apartment the entire day today like I did yesterday. I went out late Friday night, stayed out til 3 am with my friend (I shall name him P-Dog for the sake of anonymity here) and then got McDonald's. I was just in time for breakfast! The Egg McMuffin is one of the most extraordinary inventions of the fast food industry. I would have one every morning if it didn't involve going to McDonald's and dealing with primate-like behavior from the patrons and the staff.
Sorry if you found that above comment to be racist. It wasn't. The white people in Mickey D's are rather ape-like as well.
So today - I shall pick up 2 picture frames for my family photos (trying to make my apartment more homey), and I will attempt to gain the wherewithall (is that one word) to go shopping for a rug. For some reason it always seems like such a pain in the ass to go to these places and deal with the mad Sunday rush of shoppers. Makes me wish I had a large net to place them all into, and then dump onto the street while I chose my rug. Kind of like a fish net (not for hair, but for catching fish).
Has this blog freaked you out yet? I'll try again later maybe.
I need a sign-off to use in the future. How about this one?
Fuck yo' mamma!
Nah. Too hostile. How about
No. I'm white and Jewish, and not cool enough to pretend I'm not.
For now my sign-off shall simply be...
Oh. :(